Policy Brief 3 What is the problem? It is time to update or replace the Get Up & Grow guidelines and associated resources to ensure a national support tool that is current, useable, driven by user needs, and is reflective of lived experiences and contexts. What is...
Policy Brief 2 Over 900,000 children up to school-age attend ECEC services,1 meaning that these children could be accessing of their daily dietary intake whilst at an ECEC service. ECEC services present an opportunity to support child development through nutritious...
Evidence Brief 1 Evidence-based interventions are effective in: promoting and achieving practice improvements and change in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) settings, and improving nutritional health outcomes
Policy Brief 1 There is a lack of equality in the provision and accessibility of initiatives, programs, services, training and resources which support ECEC settings to provide safe and healthy food environments across Australia. ECEC services often provide up to...
As educators and specialists in the early years industry, you play an invaluable role to our children’s futures. Health and nutrition play an integral part of every child’s life. Ensuring children have access to nutritious and safely prepared meals will improve their...