
Masters (Nutrition & Dietetics)
Bachelors (Exercise Science)
Bachelors (Education)

Chris Irwin

General Member


Griffith University, Queensland



Years of Experience:

Setting of Experience :

ECEC Experience: No

ECEC Years of Experience: 13

ECEC Setting of Experience:

Academia (Griffith University)
Academia (University of Queensland)
Academia (Bond University)

Areas of Expertise:

Policy, ECEC Educators, Online Resources, Nutrition Interventions


Kirkegaard A, Irwin C, Byrne R, Sambell R, Vincze L (2023). Barriers and enablers to a healthy food environment in Australian childcare services: exploring directors’ perspectives. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, In Press.

Clanchy K, Sulek R, Baque E, Caine A, Cardell E, Chambers L, Clark M, Dare L, Irvine-Brown L, Irwin C, Headrick J, Mahler N, Vincze L, Weir K, Trembath D (2021). Supporting a Healthy Start to School: A Case-Study of the Griffith University-Nerang Alliance Initiative. The Australian Educational Researcher, 49: 285-306.

Trembath D, Sulek R, Paynter J, Kendall E, Reilly S, Clanchy K, Westerfield M, Baque E, Holm A, Weir K, Cristino A, Gamble J, Headrick J, Irvine-Brown L, Irwin C, Vincze L, Mahler N, Siyambalapitiya S, Stainer M (2019). Laying the Foundation for Highly Integrative Basic And Responsive (HIBAR) Research in Child Health and Disability within the Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Menzies Health Institute Queensland Capacity Grants Scheme, $250,000.


Food Provision, Policy, ECEC Educators, Online Resources, Nutrition Interventions

Organisation Website: https://experts.griffith.edu.au/7851-chris-irwin



X: https://twitter.com/irwin_cg